
Posts on the USC Wetland Team

Introducing Our Customers!

2020-12-29T18:42:17+00:00December 28th, 2020|Ag Team, Buffer Team, Stream Team, USC Blog, Wetland Team|

With remote learning and connecting so high on everyone's radar, the USC Outreach Team decided that developing more video outreach materials should be a team priority to increase our web presence.  Despite social distancing and Covid-19 concerns, USC staff and partners

Watershed Wednesdays – 2020’s Version of a Watershed Forum

2020-10-05T17:48:38+00:00July 22nd, 2020|Ag Team, Buffer Team, Stream Team, USC Blog, Wetland Team|

Planning for our fifth annual Watershed Forum ground to a halt in early spring, leaving our planning committee at loose ends in the midst of a chaotic time.  With so many working remotely, the group decided a virtual forum would make the most

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