By: Mike Lovegreen
USC Stream Team Leader

The USC Stream Team has organized a training on September 11, at the office of the Bradford County Conservation District in Wysox PA, to feature the PA Dirt and Gravel Roads Program. The morning will begin with and overview of how the program is organized and administered in PA and travel to the field to view and discuss various best management practices. The program is administered by the Conservation Districts in PA and is funded to provide direct technical, educational and financial assistance to local municipalities to address water quality issues related to road systems on dirt and gravel roads as well as low volume paved roads. To be eligible for the financial assistance, a comprehensive 2-day training is required from municipal officials ever 3 years. Individual sites are assessed for their environmental impacts and are ranked by a locally developed system.

Training Info


September 11, 2019


Bradford County Conservation District, 200 Lake Rd Suite E, Towanda, PA 18848

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I-4 Volunteer Training Event
USC I-4 Project Watershed Study